Wednesday, May 19, 2010

10 months and counting...

Karis is already 10 months old, I can't believe it! Pregnancy is agonizing because it seems like the wait is so long, but once they get here, time flies by. Today she's started "army crawling" and it will be just a matter of time before she starts full blown crawling. She's also trying to pull up on things and has learned to sit up by herself, so we're in for it once she learns to put it all together! We're moving in three weeks and as long as we can contain her walking until we move, I think we'll be okay. We can just set up the house already baby proofed!

We went "in view of a call" to Island View Baptist in Orange Park this weekend. When we were introduced to the congregation on Sunday morning, Karis heard her name and chose that exact moment to wave to the congregation. They all laughed and waved back to her, it was hilarious. They all asked how we trained her to do that, we responded that she only waves when she's good and ready and the only way we can guarantee she WON'T wave is when we try to get her to!

I also found out that I'm going to be an Aunt come January, so life is surely changing, but the changes are all good.

To God be the Glory, great things He has done, and continues to do!