Friday, March 12, 2010

March Madness

We just returned from FBC's annual Mission Trip from the Valley. For those of you who are non-Texans, "the valley" in the Southern-most area of Texas that runs along the Texas/Mexico border. The area we work in is Progreso TX, one of the poorest zip codes in the entire US. This is mine and Kevin's third year to go with the church on this particular trip. The first year we went, we were still "newlyweds". The second year we went, I was about 6 months pregnant. This year, everyone was so excited to meet our sweet Karis. The most common phrase we heard was "Oh, look at her blue eyes!" - we're still not sure where those came from! My Mom came with us to help us with Karis and we all had a high-ho time, we are so glad she was there to help. The high point of our week was when Karis learned what "Hi" and "Bye bye" meant, as well as how to accompany them with waves. She waves her hand facing out for "Hi", then turns her hand around and curls her fingers up for "Bye bye". It is by far the cutest thing I have ever seen, especially now that she will accompany the waves with the actual words and has taken to greeting strangers in Wal-mart and McDonald's. She's with her grandparents in Friendswood while I'm working today and tomorrow and I miss her so very much, I think I might have to go get her!

Marvelous Grace

For those of you that know us, you know the significance of the word "grace" in our lives. On July 1, 2009, our "Grace" was born into this world at 5:33 PM. She is now an 8 month old ball of energy and joy and has blessed our lives in countless ways. Taking a cue from my dear friend Julie, I want to start a blog about my dear daughter for those who love her and want to read about the ins and outs of her everyday life.